I Hug my Mom

I Hug My Mom

Psalms 23 (Mother’s Day version, written by Rev. Aries Zulkarnain)
My mom is my shepherd, I shall not want another
She makes me wake up from my green pastures every morning
She leads me to school despite my objection and sick excuses
She restores my soul
She leads me in her path of discipline so that righteousness is instilled for His name sake
Yea though I walk thru the valley of the shadow of childhood, teenhood and adulthood, I will fear no evil
For your scars are with me, your rotan and your spoon they comfort me
You always prepare sumptuous table before me in front of the TV
You rub my head with oil, my love tank runneth over
Surely, good grandchildren and merciful in laws shall follow you all the days of your life
And I will dwell and come home weekly for dinner in your house forever.


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