I Got My Ears Pierced


It's been 3 weeks since I last update my blog. Just finished downloaded 400+ photos, blogging & sorting out the photos at the same time.

Since beginning last year, Beatrice has been telling me she wanted to have her ears pierced like mummy & popo so that she can wear nice earrings like us.

After dinner at Marina Square, she pulled me into a jewelry shop asking me to ask if they have the service.  Explained to her it's might be painful, even pinch her to explain to her it might be more painful than that.  Told her if she really want it done, she cannot give up halfway through and she cannot cry.  Spending the next 10 min repeatedly asking if she is very sure.

She sat down on the chair holding tight to my hand, probably I had somehow scared her through the talk.  Bang! Bang! And it's done!

Asked her the following day if it is painful but she say it is not painful. And asking me if she is brave? :)

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