To the Land of the Rising Sun

I'm back to update the blog. Simply too many photos to sort out.


Hipcup by me. I left our outerwears on the chair when I went back to get Bea's milk for her. Only realised the missing bag when we arrived at the airport. DH was SO SO ANGRY with me!! Quickly called my mum for help as she has the keys to my house. Thank God, we were early and still have sufficient time to wait for the bag.

At the Dome cafe, the girls were playing with their care bear and wanted to wrap their bear with their sweater. As DH mood has not fully cool down, I told Bea cannot take out the sweater & Christal hold the 2 bears in her sweater a little unwillingly.

It was when we got into the restricted area that I allowed Bea to have her sweater. That bring a smile on both of them.

In the aircraft...

It is a must for DH to sleep in aircraft.

We took the night flight and we end up not having enough rest cos the girls couldn't get a comfortable position for their sleep, plus an infant was crying on & off throughout the whole journey.

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