GE Women 5K

I've completed my first 5km run! Yeah!!

I think the last time I had a long run was back in school time where it was compulsory to run for cross-country, 3.6km.

I didn't make it for the shape run in July due to some unpleasant communication between the organizer and me. Took back my registration fee in the end.

But I'm glad I completed the race. Though not very short timing but I'm satisfied with it, finish it in 45 min compare to the usual 50 min when I run on my own.

DH usually doesn't have much patience when come to handling Trice. Before the race, I've to tell Trice to be good so that daddy won't get angry cos mummy is going for a run. And I reminded DH to be patience with Trice.

Both of them had a little run in the stadium with Trice's grandparents and breakfast together.

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