She Bite Again!

Just now towards the end of the service, she was playing with a girl and decided to hug her & shortly after that she bite her. The girl's name Zoe.

This time round, I was very angry. The moment we step back into the car, I took out "Mr Spoon" and scolded her. She started to cry and I hit her 8 times hard on her thigh.

We have been explaining to her it is not right to bite, it hurt when she bite any of the children, bitting is not a way to solve anger etc etc. Before every service & CG, I will make a point to remind her but I just do not understand why she cannot behave well like the rest of the other children. She will get agitated, wanting to kick, hit or pull children clothes if one of them accidentally run over her etc etc.

At the end of the whole thing, I cried also. Not really because it hurt my heart to hit her but I really do not know how to teach her now.

God, this has been my prayer since the 1st incident. I am desperate for Your help now.


Unknown said...

Hey...don't be so harsh with yourself. You are a great Mummy! We know you are teaching her well! Continue to explain to her not to bite. She will soon understand...she is still small...even if she bites again, don't take it on yourself, ya!

anonymous said...

Hugs to you. For my kids, what I did was to give them alternatives how they could react in such situation and practice it with them when it occurs. For example: when someone pushes her, I would teach her to put out her hand to defend herself and say "No, stop it". Things like: "I do not like it", "this is mine" etc.