Ho Chi Minh City

Last week we went to Ho Chi Minh City together with the colleagues & bosses in my office. This is actually my office incentive trip for the staff. Since both myself & DH has been paid for by my office, I seek management consent to bring my mom along. Well, don't get the wrong idea, it is not for my mom to go there to "work" for me. From the previous trip, already know that Bea will stick to me if I'm around. So it's for her to enjoy the trip also.
First 2 days were basically sights seeing, learning about their history, guided by the tour guide there. Last 2 days were F&Ez for us to explore the city on our own & do some shopping.

That's Bea with Audrey, they are actually 2 months apart.

The Vietnamese people have healthy lifestyle. Every morning & evening, you can find a lot of people exercising in the park. We had 8 course dinner, mixture of Vietnamese and chinese food. Their food is also healthy. If its a deep fried dish, the quantity is one for each person. If it's a healthy dish, you can actually have 3-4 servings. We had 2 soup & 2 salad for a 8 course lunch on day 2. That explain why they are all so slim. :)

By 2nd day, I can actually enjoy the trip better as Bea will look for the older children in the group.. that's WenQi & JinLing with Bea.. they will sing for her, make funny actions, hold her hand to walk together.

On the free day, with the help of Jennifer's cousin who work there, we actually had a driver + mini van to bring us around.

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