05~08 Dec '07

The children at the lounge area. Denise helps to take care of Bea as she goes "walk walk".

The kids all dress up to go gai gai.

This is Choong's office nursery. Debbie playing on her own.

We went to Mid Valley Megamall, Alamanda shopping centre & Pavilion KL, the new shopping mall.

In general, I think the children did enjoyed themselves. When I ask Bea if she wants to go jiejie Nicole's house again, she will knock her head.

Bea's achievement..
1) climb up to 2nd floor to look for the older children.
2) explore the house, lost in the back kitchen.
3) most noisy & active child.
4) bully Kellyn.

An adventurous trip for me. I managed to have my pedicure done there also. :)

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