Sick Sick Sick

Has been super busy at work, no time for blog, no time for sleep. At last, whatever we can rush out for tomorrow is more or less in order, can relax a bit and do a short post. 2 weeks ago, Beatrice was having slight bronchitis and was on medication. She was still recovering so we didn't joined Raenen & Gabby for the swim. Last week she caught the HFMD from Raenen who got it from his schoolmate.

First 3 days were bad for us. She cried almost every hour cos she was feeling uncomfortable & hungry and she cannot eat or drink much. She kept asking for "mum mum" but nothing goes into her mouth & she'll throw her tantrum. She woke up every hour, crying for comfort. Fever was going up & down. She was feeling uncomforatble with the ulcers in the throat and tongue. Heart broken to see her sick face. Putting her cough aside, I gave her ice-cream and chilled soy drink to smooth her throat.

But praise God, she is recovering. She started eating & drinking a little yesterday evening. She has not gone to church for the past 2 weeks and I've to missed last week service also. Praying that she will be given green light at the clinic tomorrow when we go back for review. Also prayed that she will be totally healed from the irritating cough that has been with her for a while already.

Poor little Gabby, she is not the one that has HFMD but yet she is the one being confine within the 4 walls of her room and my mum's room. But thank God she didn't caught the virus from Rae or Bea.

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