
These were taken 2 years ago in my room at my mum's place.

Right top: Chi Chi
Left Bottom: Bu Bu
Right Bottom: Chu Chu

Few years back, Chu Chu came in second in the chins competition held in Singapore by Chinchilla Club. Back then, I was an active member in the club. As chins were not easy to survive in topical weather like Singapore, many chins had passed away since then & many owners had gave away their chins. Today, not many chins are left in Singapore. And probably I had one of those oldest chins.

My chins used to live in very good life, they have good quality food which I used to shipped in from US, stayed in air-con room, drink distilled water. The pictures above is actually their small little room which I had specially created for them. Now they have been downgraded to living in a ventilated kitchen with occasional air-con during playtime.


joc said...

Wah lau the way you go all out for your chins, no doubt you'd be an ace mum to bea.

Iris said...

chins are easy, feed them morning & night, give them play time. baby is different, she'll need more of your attention.